Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Welcome to the biggest acoustic show I've ever seen. This is one time I wish that I had a better camera but I think you can get the jest of it. From left to right it's Wade, Randy, Lee Ann, and Stoney on a rotating stage.

This was last Friday at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. I had no idea that it was going to be in the AT&T center. Thats were the Spurs play their home games. I just kept thinking, 'I could be standing on a spot where 2 time finals MVP Tim Duncan has dropped some sweat."

Anyways, the crowd was really responsive. I don't know that most of those people really new Wade's music, but it was cool.

Then on Saturday we trucked it to Marti Gras Texas Style in Dallas. It was quite the fisasco seeing people walking up and down the building from stage to stage. I was really busy hocking merch so I didn't get to take any random pictures. But if I could somehow pull them out of my mind I would. Drunk people are funny.

Oh, by the by, found a great steak place in Fayettville, AR. It's called Doe's. Here is a sampling...

Can you tell we like to eat? Thats a t-bone in case you were wondering. I was really good too. My second favorite steak I've ever eaten. Cagels in Lubbock is #1. I'll get a pic of that next time.
So thats about it. We've got four days off, and WB is in Nashville working on the new record. See ya'll at Midnight Rodeo, Austin.

peace, Mikey

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